
Source: RBI Released Booklet on Payment System in India

PRESS RELEASE on 25th January, 2021


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January 25, 2021

RBI releases Booklet on Payment Systems in India

The Reserve Bank today released the Booklet on Payment Systems covering the

journey of Payment and Settlement Systems in India during the second decade of the

millennium, viz., from the beginning of 2010 till the end of 2020.

This Booklet captures the transformation of India in the sphere of payment and

settlement systems and describes, inter-alia, the legal and regulatory environment

underpinning the digital payments systems, various enablers, payment options

available to consumers, extent of adoption, etc. during 2010 to 2020.

Reserve Bank had earlier come out with Booklets on Payment Systems in the

years 1998 and 2008. This third Booklet in the series is expected to serve as a

reference document for those interested in knowing more about payment system

developments in the country. The digital version of the Booklet can be accessed by

scanning the QR code.

(Yogesh Dayal)

Press Release: 2020-2021/993 Chief General Manager